TSR | 3.1 | 95/98 | Description | Uses COM/Modem? | Virus? | Known Conflicts |
ATIKEY32 | - | * | ATI (Video Card Application)Keyboard Resource | --- | --- | --- |
ACCSTAT | - | * | Free Weblog analyzer for webserver logfiles | --- | --- | --- |
AD32 | - | * | AfterDark Screen Saver | --- | --- | --- |
AHQTB | - | * | Audio Headquarters application for the SB Live card | --- | --- | --- |
AST2TRAY | - | - | Taskbar tray applet for Voyetra's Audiostation 2 | --- | --- | --- |
ATICWD32 | - | * | KEYBOARD ENHANCEMENT | --- | --- | --- |
ATIKEY32 | - | * | ATI(Video Card Application) Keyboard Resource tray icon | --- | --- | --- |
ATISCHED | - | - | scheduler program for ATI video card systems | --- | --- | --- |
ATITASK | - | - | tasktray program used for launching display options and programs on systems with an ATI video card | --- | --- | --- |
AVCONSOL | - | - | McAfee component | --- | --- | --- |
AWFXEX32 | - | - | Microsoft Fax | YES | --- | --- |
AWSNTO32 | - | - | Microsoft ??? - Tied to AWFXEX32 | YES | --- | --- |
BACKWEB AGENT | - | * | The BackWeb agent is the engine that controls the news and information updates for your subscribed channels (Active Desktop) | --- | --- | --- |
BTTNSERV | - | - | --- | --- | --- | --- |
CCENTRAL | - | - | Comm Central - Phone answering software | YES | --- | --- |
CG16EH | - | * | Norton's Crash Guard Deluxe | --- | --- | --- |
CGMENU | - | * | Norton's Crash Guard Deluxe | --- | --- | --- |
CMMPU | - | * | Windows 95/MS-DOS MPU-401 Emulator for MIDI driver (Cmmpu.exe) | --- | --- | CMEDIA |
COMSMD | - | * | 3COM PCI 10/100 Network Card system tray utility | --- | --- | --- |
CORKBOARD | - | * | PC Dynamics screensaver and reminder utility | --- | --- | --- |
CPQ SHELL | - | * | Compaq Shell (part of Homebase) | --- | --- | --- |
CPQDIN | - | * | Part of Compaq Phone Center | YES | --- | --- |
CPQDMN | - | * | Part of Compaq Phone Center | YES | --- | --- |
CSINJECT | - | * | Norton Clean Sweep Component | --- | --- | --- |
CSINSM32 | - | * | Norton Clean Sweep Install Monitor | --- | --- | --- |
CSUSEM32 | - | * | Quarterdeck Clean Sweep | --- | --- | --- |
CSUSEM32 | - | * | Norton Clean Sweep | --- | --- | --- |
CTNOTIFY | - | * | CD/DVD insert notification program that works with Windows auto-detect feature. Usually distributed with Creative Labs products | --- | --- | --- |
CWB3DSND | - | - | 3D Audio Control for a Crystal Semiconductor sound card | --- | --- | --- |
DAD8 | - | - | Novell Desktop Application Director (distributed with Corel Products like WordPerfect 8) | --- | --- | "Ending task on it can sometimes cause a BSofD ""Fatal Exception 0E"" (memory overwrite)" |
DAEMON32 | - | - | "SQLBase, SideWinder Joystick" | --- | --- | "There have been reports that this could be a virus; more likely a problem with the daemon32.exe in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Hardware\Gaming Devices, known to cause various conflicts. Daemon32 is also a distributed part of SQLBase by Centura Software, required for complex SQL interactions like load/unload" |
DDHELP | - | * | DirectX helper utility | --- | --- | --- |
DISCRIMINATOR | - | - | IBM MWave Modem Utility | --- | --- | --- |
DISCRIMINATOR | - | - | IBM MWave Modem Utility | --- | --- | --- |
DMHKEY | - | - | System tray icon for Diamond In Control Desktop Utility (comes with diamond video cards) | --- | --- | --- |
DRWATSON | - | * | "Error Snapshot/debug utility, in WIN3.1, WIN98" | --- | --- | --- |
DTOLE | - | * | Hewlett Packard Office Jet | --- | --- | Known to cause some General Protection Faults |
EM_EXEC | * | - | Logitech Mouse Driver Software | --- | --- | --- |
FA_GD32 | - | * | Cybermedia First Aid Windows Guardian | --- | --- | "Distributed on some Gateway computers, is known to cause General Protection Fault (UNKNOWN) when signing off from America Online" |
FANETUPD | - | * | Cybermedia First Aid 97 Tune-up utility | --- | --- | --- |
FAPIEXE | - | * | Part of Compaq Phone Center | YES | --- | --- |
FAWGRD32 | - | * | (CLOSES FA_GD32) | --- | --- | --- |
FAXWORKS | - | - | FAX PROGRAM | YES | --- | --- |
FBDIRECT | - | - | Parallel port scanner driver software | --- | --- | --- |
FINDFAST | - | * | MS Office Word Search Utility | --- | --- | --- |
FMEDIA | - | - | Controller for Packard Bell IR Port/Panel Button Interface / Sound / Modem cards - Disables Faxworks | YES | --- | --- |
FMLITES | - | * | Modem status display panel | YES | --- | --- |
FOCUS3 | - | * | Synaptic Touch Pad | --- | --- | --- |
FOOBAR | - | * | Freeware toolbar/system tray utility | --- | --- | --- |
GATEWAY ISP WIZARD | - | - | - | --- | --- | --- |
GBMENU | - | - | "Part of the Gateway Go-Back system, a program that keeps track of OEM files in case of corruption or accidental deletion" | --- | --- | Gateway GOBACK System |
GBPOLL | - | - | "Part of the Gateway Go-Back system, this program monitors disk activity and tracks changes in file sizes, locations, and status, such as being deleted" | --- | --- | --- |
GMENU | - | - | GateWay quick launch menu in the system tray | --- | --- | --- |
GUARD DOG | - | - | "Cybermedia Guard Dog - Monitors you web browswer (i.e. invalid security certificates, cookies, ect)" | --- | --- | --- |
GWHOTKEY | - | - | Gateway enhanced keyboard | --- | --- | --- |
GWREMIND | - | - | Microsoft Greeting Cards (Greetings Workshop) (Reminder to register plus...?) | --- | --- | --- |
HAWKEYE | - | - | Monitor enhancement software that comes with S3 chip video cards | --- | --- | --- |
HGCCT195 | - | | shows up after install of Matrox Quick desk and video card drivers | --- | --- | --- |
HGCCTL95 | - | * | Colorifc Control Panel - monitor gamma/color utility - distributed mainly with gfx cards | --- | --- | --- |
HOMEBASE | - | * | Compaq custom utility | --- | --- | "Known to crash Internet Explorer 4.0, when using MSIE not supplied by Compaq - Compaq has a special version of MSIE4.0" |
HOTSYNC | - | - | USR Palm Pilot Utility | YES | --- | --- |
HP680C | - | * | Hewlitt Packard 680c printer toolbox utility - Only runs when a printjob is in progress | --- | --- | --- |
HPFHID07 | - | * | Hewlitt Packard deskjet utility | --- | --- | --- |
HPKBKG07 | - | * | Hewlitt Packard deskjet utility | --- | --- | --- |
HPSJBMJR | - | - | Button Manager utility for HP scanner | --- | --- | --- |
HPSJVXD | - | - | HP scanner virtual device driver | --- | --- | --- |
IBMAVTIM | - | - | IBM AntiVirus timed scan module | --- | --- | --- |
IDLE WILD | - | - | Combo screen saver/card game pack | --- | --- | --- |
IMGICON- | - | - | Iomega utility that displays the ZIP drive icon in Windows Explorer | --- | --- | --- |
IOWATCH | - | - | IOMega Disk Insert Check | --- | --- | --- |
LAVTLM95 | - | - | "IAVTIM95 is the timed scan module in IBM AntiVirus 3.x (same as IBMAVTIM, only for the newer [last] version of IBMAV)" | --- | --- | --- |
LOADWC | - | - | "Loadwc.exe, also known as Load WebCheck, is responsible for customizing some of the settings in Internet Explorer. Loadwc.exe is responsible for adding, removing, and updating subscriptions. Loadwc.exe also propagates settings for user profiles. After restarting your computer during Internet Explorer Active Setup, Loadwc.exe copies Internet Explorer settings that need to be updated for each user profile." | --- | --- | --- |
LTSSTART | - | * | Lotus Suite Start | --- | --- | --- |
LXDBOXCP | - | * | Lexmark printer software driver | --- | --- | --- |
MAPISP32 | * | * | Part of Compaq Phone Center | YES | --- | --- |
MDRVEXE | - | - | "Possibly MS Internet Explorer (maybe, unless that's MVDZ1EXE, then its the Dialog Plus componant of Moon Valley Software/Aptiva Desktop Customization]" | --- | --- | Possibly MS Internet Explorer (IWENGX32.DLL@0137:6200XX) |
MDSERVER | - | * | Part of Compaq Phone Center | YES | --- | --- |
MGACTRL | - | - | tasktray program and control program for Matrox Millenium video cards | --- | --- | --- |
MGAQDESK | - | - | tasktray program and control program for Matrox Millenium video cards | --- | --- | --- |
MNMNET | - | - | --- | --- | --- | --- |
MONITOR | - | - | pc-cillin smart monitor | NO | NO | --- |
MONWOW | - | * | Norton Clean Sweep Component (Install/Uninstal Monitor) | --- | --- | --- |
MPLAUNCH | - | * | Mplayer.com systray utility for launching games | --- | --- | --- |
MPREXE | - | * | Win32 Network Interface Service Process | --- | --- | --- |
MSGLOOP | - | * | WaveStream component which is provided in the CRYSTAL AUDIO SOUNDCARD software to hook up with the Brooktree WaveStream CD | --- | --- | --- |
MSGSRV | * | * | Windows 95/98 Message Server-Communicates Windows messages to applications (such as shutdown or resize windows) | --- | --- | --- |
MSTASK | - | * | Task Manager for Win95/98 | --- | --- | --- |
MSWHEEL | - | * | MicroSoft Wheel Mouse | --- | --- | --- |
MVSLOADR | - | - | IBM Custom Desktop (Moon Vally Software) | --- | --- | --- |
MWMODEM | - | - | IBM MWAVE Modem Software | --- | --- | --- |
MWMSW95 | - | - | IBM MWAVE Modem Software | --- | --- | --- |
NAVPW32 | - | - | NORTON ANTI-VIRUS | --- | --- | --- |
NDETECT | - | - | ICQ Program to lauch other programs as well as ICQ when connected to Internet | --- | --- | --- |
NETDDE | - | * | Network Dynamic Data Exchange - for sharing clipboard and other dynamic content between applications | --- | --- | --- |
NPROTECT | - | * | Norton Auto Protect | --- | --- | --- |
NSCHED32 | - | - | NORTON SCHEDULER? | --- | --- | --- |
NSNOTIFY | - | * | Netscape mail notification system tray utility | --- | --- | --- |
NVRAM | - | * | US Robotics WinModem Software | YES | --- | --- |
OCRAWR32 | - | - | OCRAware OCR | --- | --- | --- |
OSA | * | * | Microsoft Office | --- | --- | --- |
PFPPOP70 | - | - | WordPerfect Print Task | --- | --- | --- |
PIDUNHK | - | - | Prodigy Internet | --- | --- | --- |
PNPCHK | - | - | --- | --- | --- | --- |
POINT | - | - | Microsoft Mouse Attributes (16) | --- | --- | --- |
POINT32 | * | * | Microsoft Mouse Attributes (32) | --- | --- | --- |
POWERMON | - | * | PowerTools for AOL Resource monitor | --- | --- | --- |
PROCDB | - | * | Hewlett Packard OfficeJet Pro Picture Link System | --- | --- | --- |
PTSNOOP | - | * | PCTel driver loader for programs that request a Comm Port | --- | --- | --- |
PWATCH | - | * | Jetfax PaperMaster Live | --- | --- | --- |
QUICKSYNC | - | - | Driver for IOMega's Quicksync backup utility | --- | --- | --- |
QWDLLS | - | - | Quicken quick launch utility | --- | --- | --- |
RCENTRAL | - | - | Ring Central IBM/COMPAQ Voicemail | YES | --- | --- |
REMIND | - | - | IBM reminder to register | --- | --- | --- |
REMIND32 | - | - | Lotus reminder to register | --- | --- | --- |
RNAAPP | - | - | Dial Up Networking | --- | --- | --- |
ROBOT | - | - | Scripting part of the IBM Aptiva Reminder to Register app | --- | --- | --- |
RTFIX32 | - | * | First Aid's BackTrack | --- | --- | --- |
RTMNONI~1 | - | * | Network Associate Inoculan anti virus | --- | --- | --- |
RUNDLL | - | * | Program used to run specific DLL files as an application or to use a routine within the DLL | --- | --- | --- |
RXCTCH32 | - | * | McAfee PC Medic 97 | --- | --- | --- |
RXMENU | - | * | McAfee PC Medic 97 | --- | --- | --- |
SAGE | - | - | SYSTEM AGENT - MICROSOFT PLUS | --- | --- | --- |
SANWATCH | - | - | --- | --- | --- | --- |
SMARTCTR | - | - | Lotus Smartcenter | --- | --- | --- |
SNIFFER | - | * | Hewlett Packard Sniffer System Wizard / Also possibly related to the Guard Dog program | --- | --- | --- |
SPOOL32 | - | * | Printer spooling device driver | --- | --- | --- |
STARTER | - | - | "Used by Creative Labs 128 PCI card. Specifically, it belongs to the MIXER sotware. You'll notice a ""mixer"" icon on the taskbar. Removing ""Starter"" at Close Programs, turn this off." | --- | --- | --- |
STARTER | - | * | Ensoniq sound card configuration setup utility | --- | --- | --- |
STARTTIM | - | - | IBM AntiVirus | --- | --- | --- |
STBVSN | - | * | A windows display manager distributed with STB video cards | --- | --- | --- |
STIMON | - | * | Still Image Devices Monitor - a scanner/camera utility | --- | --- | --- |
SUITEST | - | * | Lotus Smart Suite | --- | --- | --- |
SYDOC32 | - | * | Norton System Doctor | --- | --- | "Problems reading floppy drive, shutting down Windows98" |
SYNCROCONNECT | - | - | Phone Answering Software | YES | --- | --- |
TALK MAIN | - | - | --- | YES | --- | --- |
TAPILDR | - | - | "Pharmaceutical program...""ANYWHERE WAITING""" | NO | NO | --- |
TASKMON | - | * | Win95 task monitor | --- | --- | --- |
TPEXE | - | * | "f you have a Gateway PC and upgraded your Telepath 28.8/33.6 modem to v.90(56k), Tpexe.exe is the TSR which is called by Win.ini (and the registry) for the modem" | --- | --- | --- |
TPNVRAM | - | - | Gateway telepath winmodem application (functionally same as NVRAM for USR winmodems) | --- | --- | --- |
TRYICN95 | - | * | IBM AntiVirus 3.x taskbar tray applet | --- | --- | --- |
TSADBOT | - | * | "Tsadbot is Conducent Technologies, Inc.'s Adgateway. The AdGateway caches ads on your PC for local retrieval and display" | --- | --- | --- |
TSYSTRAY | - | * | RealJukeBox systray application | --- | --- | --- |
UEPROC32 | - | - | --- | --- | --- | --- |
ULSVC | - | - | --- | --- | --- | --- |
VCDWATCH | - | - | Parson Technologies Virucide | --- | --- | --- |
VETMSG9X | - | * | InnoculateIT real time protection monitor communications | --- | --- | --- |
VETTRAY | - | * | InnoculateIT real time protection monitor options/systray application | --- | --- | --- |
VOICECENTER | - | * | IBM Voice Center | YES | --- | Reported to cause Kernel32 GPF's in AOL40/32 |
VSCHED | - | - | McAfee Scheduler | --- | --- | --- |
VSHWIN32 | - | - | McAfee Virus Shield | --- | --- | --- |
VSSTAT | - | - | McAfee Component | --- | --- | --- |
VTRAY | - | - | VIRTUAL TRAY | --- | --- | --- |
WARNER | - | - | CyberWarner - Program that prevents deletion of critical system files (Usually found on Packard Bell or HP computers) | --- | --- | Versions older than known to crash because the log file gets too large. What it protects: |
WATCHDOG | - | - | "Compaq Internet utility (on some Compaq computers) that monitors dialup connection and verifies ""correct"" browser is loaded (Compaq has a special version of MSIE4.0 distributed with some Compaq computers)" | --- | --- | Known to cause AOL to crash while signing on |
WCESCOMM | - | - | Windows CE ActiveSync Manager | YES | --- | Known to cause AOL to crash while signing on |
WEBSCAN | - | - | McAfee Web Scan | --- | --- | --- |
WEBSCANX | - | - | McAfee Web Scan Internet Filter. | --- | --- | Known to cause America Online software to lockup during signon process. Also causes some java based chats and non standard java applets to lock up the system when it is active. |
WFX32 | - | * | WinFax | YES | --- | --- |
WINGUARD | - | - | Dr. Solomons WinGuard | --- | --- | --- |
WINSAVER | - | - | "Shareware desktop arrangement program, Win startup file backup program" | --- | --- | "ALIAS FOR APS TROJAN AND (TOOLBAR.EXE, BUDDYLIST.EXE) TROJAN FOR AOL" |
WKCALREM | - | * | MS Works Calendar Reminder | YES | --- | --- |
WMEXE | - | * | US Robotics WinModem driver loader for programs that request a Comm Port | YES | --- | --- |
WMNVRAM | - | * | 32bit software driver for USR Winmodem | YES | --- | --- |
WPSPSW | - | - | Windows printing system software | --- | --- | --- |
ZM32 | - | * | Mijenix Zip Magic | --- | --- | --- |
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